Family and friends gathered for what they thought was their engagement party, when every one was was there, the best man announced that it was actually their wedding day! After every one gathered in the gardens next door for the ceremony, it was time to begin. Corrine and her sisters looked beautiful as they entered, with Jake and the boys waiting for them.
Lots of emotions shared between them during the ceremony and their amazing vows.
“I marry you today with no hesitation or doubt and my commitment to you is absolute… above all I choose you to spend the rest of my life with.
I will love you with every beat of my heart, and as I have give you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep….”
and such beautiful words from Corrine “I’ve dreamt for so long about this man that will come into my life and love me unconditionally, love me for me, faults and all…. words from my nan, the man you deserver is coming, he is just asking for directions…”
No dry eye between them or from their family and friends for that matter! It was such an honour to witness their love and to be able to capture this special moment for them.
And with out any further delay below is their wedding day.